Directions Apply on clean skin, ideally after a warm shower or bath. Concentrate on joints, muscles and areas of concern. Avoid broken or delicate skin. Spray at least 10 – 20 times, morning and night. For recovery: apply to muscle area and thoroughly massage into skin. Will be absorbed directly into the tissues via skin and transported to cells throughout the body. Magnesium is essential for the enzymes that support DNA repair and collagen production.
Ingredients Magnesium oil, tea extract and essential oils
Magsential Spray
A slightly itching or tingling feeling is most likely an indicator that your body has low levels of magnesium. The sensation will pass the more you use the spray. You can massage the body with miracle hand and body butter afterwards to ease the sensation. Reduces body aches, restless legs, repairs muscles, reduces spasms, menstrual pain, treats skin problems, reduces cellulite, suppresses appetite, se as deodorant, improves dental health, strengthens teeth and bones, relieves stress reduces hypertension, regulates diabetes, migraine relief, reduces symptoms of PMS, restful sleep.